I watched what appeared to be two unprovoked attacks by Barn Swallows on other Barn Swallows. One of the victims was clearly a fledgling so I came to the conclusion that these were instances of a parent encouraging its offspring to not expect any more meal deliveries and to get off its butt and hunt for its own food. (Alexandria, VA)
Just chillin'. Taking a break on a fence.
Just chillin'. Taking a break on a fence.
Out of nowhere, along comes this interloper.
Out of nowhere, along comes this interloper.
Slap, slap, slap, kick.
Slap, slap, slap, kick.
Scratch, claw, shove.
Scratch, claw, shove.
A final push. Is all this really necessary?
A final push. Is all this really necessary?
Again! Dad sees Mom coming at Junior, who is completely unaware.
Again! Dad sees Mom coming at Junior, who is completely unaware.
Mom comes in from behind...
Mom comes in from behind...
...and shows Junior what's what.
...and shows Junior what's what.
Junior has no choice but to do as he's told.
Junior has no choice but to do as he's told.

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